Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast

 When it comes to losing weight fast, the biggest factor in achieving it is going to be the diet plan. So what is the best diet plan to start losing weight quickly. Well one diet plan that shouldn’t be followed is the crash diet plan. Starving yourself to lose weight is not healthy, don’t get me wrong you will lose lots of weight at first. But your body will go into starvation mode and try to hold onto body fat. It will slow down your metabolic rate and strip your body of lean body mass not body fat. This means you will lose lots of weight on the scales, but you will be getting fatter in the process.

So I suggest you stay well clear of diet plans that promote rapid weight loss through crash dieting. The best diet plan to lose weight fast is one that contains all of the essential nutrients such as complex carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats. Good sources of these nutrients are flax seeds and nuts for fat, whole meal rice and pasta for carbs and chicken, turkey and white fish for protein. The diet plan should be made up of roughly 50% carbs, 35% protein and 15% fat. The diet plan also needs to be around 500 calories less than you need each day to maintain your body weight.

Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight Quickly

The diet also needs to contain around 5 to 6 small meals every day. Most people eat the traditional 3 larges meals a day. But this way of eating is old school and can often result in slowing down the metabolic rate. By eating every couple of hours, will help in keeping your metabolic rate elevated. Which will result in quicker weight loss, which is what we are all looking for.

The most important meal of the day will be breakfast, so make sure that this meal contains lots of complex carbs such as oats and milk and to supplement the meal even further try drinking a whey protein shake with the meal as well.

It is very important to eat a good amount of lean protein as you are dieting. This is because we want to keep hold of the lean muscle mass we are carrying. Muscle mass helps your body to burn off calories, even when you are resting. So the more lean muscle mass you carry the better.

The best way to hold onto the muscle or even gain lean muscle mass is to start weight training. Weight training has got so many great benefits, so when trying to lose weight combine weight training with cardiovascular exercise to help you achieve the best weight loss results that you can.

Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight

There are lots of different diet plans out there to choose from. But the biggest factor when choosing one has got to be taste. Starting a diet plan which tastes like rabbit food is not going to work for you over the long term. You need to eat foods that you enjoy eating, but you also need to make sure that they are fairly low in calories. The Trifecta diet Meals plan is one diet plan, that allows you to eat foods that you enjoy. As long as you keep within the recommended daily point allowance.


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